Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Where'd My Doogle Go?

When I was a young pup I had one of those Doogle, Goggle, Google things... it was a little bar at the bottom of my page with the number 3 on it.


Grandma said it made me a doggone good dog. But then, I got rankspanked and it went away - poof, it disappeared one night and we couldn't find it anywhere. Grandma still loves me though, cause I am a good dog most of the time, although I do bark a lot and get yelled at all the time. I know Grandma will always love me as long as I don't chew her shoes!

Anyway, nuff bout me huh? Back to the Boggle thingy. We kept on blogging and found we don't need that number anyway to be a real cool dog blog.

Izea RealRank is a new blog ranking system which uses real data to calculate which dogs blogs are getting the most traffic and have the most influence on the web. IZEARanks ranks the top blogs in the blogosphere via actual site statistics, not an extrapolation of estimates, like that Gaggle system. RealRank will tell you where you REALLY rank. It will give you a FrankRank - not some confusing little number from 1 to 10 which may change if someone doesn't think you're being a good dog.

If you'd like to see where your dog blog ranks, overall or in your particular niche, take a look at RealRank.

Hugo says he thinks you'll be RealGlad you did! AND, if you want a RealLaugh, check out the RankSpank Video.

Sponsored by IZEARanks

2 Bones to Share:

Anonymous said...

Hmm.... Thanks Hugo.. I will find out some other information on the Doogle.

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is a cute blog.

I like the idea of writing it from Hugo's perspective!