Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Hugo the World Traveler

Hugo put on his 'Doggles' so he could see better in the wind. It was windy EVERY afternoon on the Intracoastal Waterway in Florida, but warm and sunny. The 'Doggles' cut down on the glare from the sun hitting the shiny white gelcoat of the boat.

Daddy, Mommy and Hugo loved sitting on the bow as we traveled the waterway. There was always something new to see - like dolphins, birds, dogs on shore, alligators, people and boat after boat after boat!

Grandpa, Grandma, Mommy and Hugo partied one afternoon on South Beach in Miami.

2 Bones to Share:

Anonymous said...

What?? No virgin Mai Tai for poor old Hugo?


BenSpark said...

I'm glad that Hugo had such a cool trip.